Bible App Joy

Content and Relationships

The right kind of “content” combined with the right kind of “relationships” makes all the difference as to whether you life a joyful life filled with purpose, or whether you end up feeling meaningless and depressed.  I’ll explain…..

Way back in 1984 when I was brand new freshman at Virginia Tech, I was living the the ROTC dorms there, hoping to some day become an officer in the Navy.  But I was a total emotional basket case.  

I had no real purpose in my life, no direction…other than some vague desire to get a good job in the future as an officer…and I was completely depressed.  I had no hope.

Then I started meeting people…bumping into them “randomly.”  And these people encouraged me to read the Bible.  I knew about the Bible then, but I barely knew anything about what was inside of it.  When I opened it up and read from it, very little made any sense to me.

So then I started listening to Christian radio.  I listened to preachers like Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley and J. Vernon McGee.  Now unlike me, these guys knew the Bible!  And over the coming months, they gently explained it to me.  In other words, I started to take in a lot of “content.”

Meanwhile some Christian friends in my dorm had befriended me, and some of them invited me to a Friday night Bible study group close to campus.  I started going and found these people to be the most loving, kind-hearted, accepting people that I’ve ever met on the face of the earth!  I couldn’t get enough of them!  These people had become my best friends.  They had given me “relationships.”

You see, I didn’t get any kind of a “relationship” with these preachers like Chuck Swindoll or J. Vernon McGee, but they did give me great “content.”  But then when I started spending a lot of time with my friends in the Friday Night Bible Study group, this “content” from the radio preachers enabled powerfully enhanced my relationships with these Friday friends.

And my relationships with my Friday friends made what I heard on the radio that much more rich and meaningful to me.

The “content” fed powerfully into my “relationships.”
And, my “relationships” fed powerfully into the “content.”

Both of these together completely transformed my life for the better!  …for the eternal better.  I trusted in Christ as my Lord and Savior in the early Spring of 1985 and I haven’t looked back since!

So it really boils down to these two factors in your life that can make all the difference for you as to whether you live a joyful, fulfilled life, or whether you end up with a meaningless life with no real purpose.  Your  “content” and your “relationships” have to be right!

I plan to talk more about this with you in the days to come.  Please “Like” this post and follow my page so you can see more videos from me in the coming days about this topic of “content” and “relationships.”

And on my website you can see three buttons on the top inviting you to check out the great mp3 “content” of the Scourby Audio Bible.

I’ll leave you now with some sample audio from the Scourby dramatized Bible from the Book of Exodus….

Goodbye for now and I hope to see you again soon.